Holy Ghost Fathers have the privilege to work with communities across Baringo County
We aim to achieve the sustained well-being of children within families and communities, especially the most vulnerable, by ensuring that children: enjoy good health; are educated for life; experience the love of God and neighbour; and taken good care of
Marigat Mission was created in 1978. It was curved out of St. Joseph the work Kituro in Baringo south. It was served then by Mill hill fathers then was handed over to the St Patrick fathers and ten years later the Holy Ghost fathers were charged with the care of souls till then to present day with 2,357 registered baptisms. This Parish was created at the time when the political regime tried all what was possible to erase the Catholic faith in this area. This meant that most of the people who even wished to join the Catholic Church feared that they were to be side lined from political favours. Others were enticed with other material things like scholarships, employment and lands.

The last of the missions to be established in East Pokot has been Rotu. The first tentative steps in this vast area took place in 1998 when Sean Mc Govern and Sr. Rebecca came up with the East Pokot medical project to care for the people in Akoret. We would camp there for 3 days at a time. This continued for some years till it became clear from the many needs of the people that a more permanent base was needed.
In 2002 Sr. Rebecca Janacek, who had been in the East Pokot medical project since 1987, with Fr. David Conway put up 3 pre-fabricated wooden houses in Rotu as a first step towards establishing a more permanent presence among these next neglected people. The fact that this area is the most northerly part of Nakuru Diocese and borders Turkana, makes it extremely vulnerable to attacks from Turkana rustlers. Many people have been killed in such encounters.
Over the next few years an amazing amount of development took place. The houses, a dining room and two bed rooms, have been used on regular occasions by Sr. Rebecca. She was stationed at Barpello during this time but came requently to Rotu for several days work.
One of the great achievements was the sinking of a bore hole at Rotu, and another at Chesawach. Both have perfect potable water. At Rotu this was essential for the people and for the permanent settlement of the mission.
By 2011 in November we were ready to begin living at Rotu on a permanent basis. Sean Mc Govern and Sr. Rebecca are both here now for almost 4 years. Further developments have taken place not least the establishment of the medical project with a very fine well equipped health unit. Also a great addition has been the construction of a sizable hostel for guests and indeed for any staff that may be employed in the medical or other projects. All of this to the great credit of Rebecca.
Since the permanent settlement of Rotu mission in 2011 there has been consistent Kanisa, Mass and instruction every Sunday from 10. AM – Noon. Attendance has been consistant at around 50. Over the past 4 years we have noticed that a small core of people is regular in attendance. 2 are wazee, 3 are women and 6 are school children of about 10 yrs of age. These 11 are preparing to receive the first stage of Baptism when the Bishop cames on pastoral visitation in October this year. They will be the first Catholics in this mission. When we arrived here in 2011 not one person could read or write. Now those 6 young students from standard 4 in Rotu School are very capable readers in the Church every Sunday. Much has been achieved. Much remains to be done

The Mission is under the Catholic Diocese of Nakuru and was established in 1981 by the Holy Ghost Fathers. It is the 2nd Mission to be established in East Pokot and has 5 mass centres.