Holy Ghost Technical College, Makueni is calling for application to join in January intake. For more info download the brochure using the download button.
For More information on the school, visit our website https://holyghostschoolsmakueni.ac.ke/


The presence of the Holy Ghost fathers in Kenya has had a number of key moments in their history. December 30th 1889, the first Catholic Mission was founded at Ndera on the Tana River by Fr. Gommenginger and Brother Acheul. From there Fr. Le Roy later Bishop and Superior General founded the first Mission at Mombasa in September 1891. On August 12th 1899 three members of the Holy Ghost Fathers, Bishop Allegayer, Fr. Hemery and Brother Blanchard, arrived in Nairobi on the newly constructed railway. St. Austin’s Parish was established and the mission to the Kikuyu was begun. In September 1912 Fr. Leconte and Fr Blais set up a camp at Kombe / Kabaa and so began the mission
our founders

Claude was born was born on February 26, 1679 of French parents Francis Claude(Lawyer in the parliament of Britany)

Francis Libermann
Jacob Libermann as he was initially known as Francis was born in a jewish family at a Saverne in Alsace, France in 1802.