who we are


Our Mission

Witnessing to the Gospel values by promoting human dignity through pastoral care and sustainable integral development

Our Vision

A Congregation witnessing to God’s Love and human dignity through sustainable integral development.

Our Purpose

Upholding dignity of human person and preferential option for the poor

Our Charism

The Spiritans’ charism entails various parameters. These parameters make us who we are. Some of the features that define Spiritans are as follows: Evangelical availability. This entails a two dimensional availability, that is, our availability before God as in our personal holiness which provokes us to say “here am I Lord…” The second dimensional availability is our availability before our fellow men. This translates to our response; “here I am Lord send me” because we are sent to our fellow men and women. This two facets of availability are in actual sense the fulfillment of the commandment that calls us to Love God and our neighbors.

We find this aspect of availability to be two fold. Thus, it demands an interior union with God through prayer and the second being evangelical poverty. The latter has two faces, that is, material poverty and spiritual poverty. The former is very essential for our detachment attitude and enables us to be familiar with the problems faced by the poor whom we are committed to serving, while the latter demands our constant openness to the dynamic experiences of life at all times of our existence.
The second major aspect of the Spiritan Charism is the attentiveness to the Holy Spirit as he manifests himself in the concrete life situation. This aspect calls us to be detached from the past. This implies that we are always attentive to the present and focusing on concrete life. In being focused on the concrete life, a Spiritan ought to be attentive to what the spirit is saying through a process of discernment of Spirits, to be able to know what really comes from God and what is not from God. This is because not all that was past had no evangelical meaning, and not everything happening in the present time is from God

Our Core Values

In order to pursue our mission and achieve our vision, the HGFs PK reaffirmed the core values below to guide us.These values underpin any action taken and model the behavior of all members.

We are inspired and motivated by the gospel of Christ and the social teaching of the church while serving all the people

Uphold the dignity and respect of all people. We create a friendly affirming climate that makes the poor to be subjects of their own development and agents of change

Focused on holistic development which liberates people from poverty leading to self-reliance while giving due regard for the feelings, needs and rights of others and the environment

 Work together with the people in identifying issues at the grassroots level and initiate appropriate action for empowerment while in solidarity with those who are marginalized and advocate for what is right, fair and appropriate

Continue to develop close working relations and cooperation with all the stakeholders while being accountable and transparent with the entrusted resources

Encourage learning in terms of sharing development experiences and ideas so as to transform shared capacity into a more effective tool in building the capacity of the management team and the people in the field

Our Location